a fish rots from the head down中文

a fish rots from the head down中文

All of the early examples of the phrase in print in English prefer the variant 'a fish stinks from the head down' to 'a fish rots from the head down', which is more popular nowadays. Those early examples all ignore the nations mentioned ab

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  • All of the early examples of the phrase in print in English prefer the variant 'a fish...
    'A fish rots from the head down' - the meaning and ...
  • 2011年4月1日 - "A fish rots from the head down"如何翻译,这是中国的谚语直译:鱼臭先臭头,也就是咱们中国人说: 上梁不...
    "A fish rots from the head down"如何翻译,这是中国的谚语_百度知道
  • 【英文俚語動畫】又來囉! 這次的句子是:A Fish Rots From the Head Down 中文翻譯:魚從頭開始腐爛 這是一句非常生活化的句子 大家可以多想一下再看答案喔...
    ... 文吐司 - 【英文俚語動畫】又來囉! 這次的句子是:A Fish ...
  • A Fish Rots from the Head Down Discussion in 'Test/Politics Board' started by Jaso...
    A Fish Rots from the Head Down | BlueWhiteIllustrated.com ...
  • 魚從頭開始腐爛” 這是個很有意思的諺語,你知道是什麼意思嗎? A Fish Rots From the Head Down This is a very interesting p...
    A Fish... - Ann's Looping Dictionary 說圖解字
  • 魚從頭開始腐爛” 這是個很有意思的諺語,你知道是什麼意思嗎? A Fish Rots From the Head Down This is a very interesting p...
    A Fish... - Ann's Looping Dictionary 說圖解字 - Facebook
  • Now we arrive at the biggest, oldest, and most frequently cited fish tale of all: “A fish ...
    Do Consultants Rot from the Head Down? | Fast Company ...
  • An ancient phrase says that a fish rots from the head down. The phrase is known in China a...
    Does the fish rot from the head down? When organisations go ...
  • Eric P. Bloom: A fish rots from the head down By Eric P. Bloom GateHouse News Service I wo...
    Eric P. Bloom: A fish rots from the head down ...
  • a or the fish rots from the head down Meaning It refers to failing organizations and how t...
    fish rots from the head down meaning, definition, examples, ...
  • 這次的句子是:A Fish Rots From the Head Down 中文翻譯:魚從頭開始腐爛這是一句非常生活化的句子大家可以多想一下再看答案喔! 這句俚語的意思是:一個出了...
    Gjun-就愛嗑英文吐司- 【英文俚語動畫】又來囉! 這次的句子 ... - Facebook
  • 這次的句子是:A Fish Rots From the Head Down 中文翻譯:魚從頭開始腐爛這是一句非常生活化的句子大家可以多想一下再看答案喔! 這句俚語的意思是:一個出了...
    Gjun-就愛嗑英文吐司- 【英文俚語動畫】又來囉! 這次的句子是:A Fish ...
  • You may have heard the expression that a fish rots from the head down. The top leader'...
    SmartBiz.com: Small Business Resources - A Fish Rots From Th ...
  • After all, it will take many of us to transform the ego-logic of the fish, that rots from ...
    The Fish Rots from the Head Down | HuffPost ...
  • The phrase, “The fish rots from the head,” is sometimes used to express the idea that all ...
    “The fish rots from the head” | Brainstorm Warning ...
  • 魚從頭開始腐爛” 這是個很有意思的諺語,你知道是什麼意思嗎? A Fish Rots From the Head Down This is a very interesting p...
    “魚從頭開始腐爛” 這是個很有意思的諺語,你知道是什麼 ... - Facebook